Intuitive Insight through the Wisdom of Your Body

Friday 19 April 2019 - Posted by Julia McCutchen

I’ve recently made some major decisions relating to the next phase of my work that have all been intuitively inspired.

They’ve required me to let go courageously, move on fearlessly and trust wholeheartedly that I will find my way forwards despite the uncertainty that’s an inevitable part of exploring anything new.

The rewards of following my intuitive impulses have always outweighed the discomfort related to what often feels like a risk from a rational point of view,

These inner nudges have led me to take quantum leaps and discover new possibilities I’d never have found if I’d remained on the safe, linear trajectory my rational mind prefers.

Guiding Light

Over the last 30 years intuitive insight has increasingly become the guiding light of my life and work.

It surfaces with delightful consistency whether I’m coaching, mentoring, writing, leading a workshop or making choices about personal priorities.

Intuition is such a natural part of who I am and how I show up in the world that it’s only when it’s reflected back to me that I realize how much it genuinely benefits others as well.

Sixth Sense

A recent conversation reminded me that intuition remains relatively undeveloped in many people despite it being a natural aptitude we all have.

If you’ve been encouraged or taught how to access this powerful sixth sense count yourself lucky because you’re in a minority.

So I feel inspired to share my positive experience of intuitive insight and encourage you to up-level the attention you give to yours.

Still, Small Voice

I do understand the challenges involved. It’s not easy to recognize what’s often described as the “still, small voice” of intuition or distinguish it from the cacophony of internal noise.

And it does initially feel like a massive leap of faith to trust the subtle signals that are so easily ignored, over-ruled or dismissed.

This is a huge topic so I’ll undoubtedly write more about intuition in future posts to add to what I’ve already covered.*

The Wisdom of Your Body

Today, I’d like to focus on one key aspect for you to unlock the power of your intuitive insight through the wisdom of your body.

Along with many others, I experience intuition as an unmistakable whole body sense of direct Knowing that I’ve come to recognize instantly and trust completely.

It’s a felt sense rather than something that I understand with my mind, and feels like every part of me is in total alignment with either a degree of:

  • lightness, excitement and a clear sense of “Yes!” in relation to whatever the intuitive “hit” relates to
  • OR a feeling of heaviness, reluctance and a clear sense of “No!”

Harmony or Discord

Imagine for a moment that someone calls your name. Without consciously thinking about it, you’re likely to turn towards that person in response.

If you were to check in with how you felt, you’d undoubtedly discover a sense of inner harmony, a subtle feeling of “Yes” because you’ve been addressed correctly.

Now imagine that you’re mistakenly called by a different name, in my case it could be Julie instead of Julia.

My immediate reaction to that is a feeling of discord; I’ve nothing against the name but it doesn’t “fit” and feels like a “No” for me.

Dive In

This isn’t exactly how intuition operates but it will lead you to fine tune your ability to notice – and interpret – the subtle signals of your body as key identifiers of intuitive nudges.

Like any skill, awakening and developing your intuition comes through practice so here’s a simple suggestion for you to take forwards:

1. Set aside 10 to 15 minutes without interruption and with your journal.

2, Close your eyes and say out loud, “My name is …” Use your correct name and drop your awareness into your body to feel into the subtle sense of harmony I’ve described above.

3. Stay with the feeling to become accustomed to it… then write about your experience in as much detail as possible to train yourself to recognize the sensation.

4. Now repeat the process using an alternative name; notice the difference in what you feel and describe the feeling no matter how subtle it is.

5. When you’ve done this a few times, start using the technique with small decisions such as:

* Asking yourself about food or clothing choices;

* Identifying what ideas to develop for a writing project;

* Discovering the best time to take a specific action for work.

Gradually expand your ability to draw on the wisdom of your body to gain intuitive insight into minor decisions and work your way up to more important ones as you gather confidence and build trust.

You won’t get it “right” every time and that’s OK.

If you stay with it, over time your intuition can become your most trusted ally in all areas of your life and work, just as it has done in mine!

Further Resources

  1. Experience the process of accessing your intuition to Discover Your Voice through Conscious Writing live and in person at the Masterclass on SUNDAY 12 MAY – learn more here.
  2. Explore the difference my intuitive approach makes for you as an individual through a brand new six month series of Conscious Writing, Living and Leadership Mentoring learn more here.

* Read my previous post Intuition: A Trusted Ally for Conscious Writers here.


  • Congratulations Julia! I wish you every success on your new path, and I know that with your talent and skills you will pursue it triumphantly.
    I want to thank you personally here for the help and inspiration you have given to me. My little book has just come out, a precursor to my memoir, and I know that without your support it would not have happened. Watch this space!
    With much love, Daphne

    • Thank you Daphne! I truly appreciate your comments and huge congratulations to you for completing and publishing your first book as a precursor to your memoir!

      It’s a substantial achievement and I know how much energy and commitment you’ve put into it and your writing generally over the last few years. Do let us know where we can purchase a copy. I wish you every joy and success with it, and hope that the boost from this publication will carry you through to the completion of your memoir which we’re all looking forward to reading 🙂

      Much love, Julia

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