EP03: Exploring the Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader with Marc Lesser
  • Episode Date
    29 January 2020
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Marc Lesser is a CEO, Zen teacher, and author who leads trainings and talks worldwide. Shortly after completing his MBA, he was invited to help develop the celebrated Search Inside Yourself program at Google which introduced thousands of Google engineers to the benefits of mindfulness.

Marc went on to serve as CEO and co-founder of the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute and currently leads mindfulness and emotional intelligence programs at many of the world’s leading organizations.

I love the way that Marc has brought mindfulness practices such as developing awareness and effective listening, strengthening curiosity and compassion so successfully into business and leadership.

In our dialogue we discuss:
  • Marc’s journey from running a Zen monastery kitchen to teaching mindfulness at Google following the realization that although he was a Zen student he was also managing a business and involved in leadership.

  • How we’re all leaders because leadership is fundamentally about influence and becoming aware of how we influence and are influenced by others as we work together to create positive change and move towards a shared vision.

  • The essence of mindfulness and how it leads to developing awareness, effective listening, emotional intelligence, curiosity and compassion, not just for business success but also in relation to the future of humanity.

  • The significance of searching and finding, and how to develop the courage to let go in order to untangle the tangles of stories we tell ourselves to explore deeper levels of understanding and creative insight.

  • The seven practices as a roadmap for leadership and for life culminating in Practice #7: Keep Making it Simpler which enables us to avoid distractions and examine what we truly care about in the depths of our heart.

For more information about Marc, visit www.marclesser.net